Love For All

Transform yourself.

Fakira’s meditation focuses on understanding and connecting with the Inner Network, a deep inner journey that reveals one’s true nature beyond the physical and mental realms.

Central to Fakira’s approach is the practice of complete surrender to existence, allowing individuals to let go of control and experience profound stillness and oneness with the universe.

Fakira teaches that true enlightenment comes from “becoming zero” — dissolving the ego and merging with the infinite light, where all questions and desires cease, and pure bliss is experienced.

My Philosophy

Meditation is more than just a practice; it is a way of being—a journey into the depths of one’s own consciousness. For me, meditation is about connecting with the present moment, not as a means of escape but as a way of embracing the richness of life. It is the art of cultivating awareness, where one learns to observe thoughts, emotions, and sensations without judgment or attachment.

Holistic Inner Transformation

Fakira’s meditation practice is designed to bring about a complete transformation of the mind, body, and soul, leading to a profound inner awakening.

Energy Awareness

It enhances one’s ability to perceive and work with subtle energies, allowing practitioners to experience deeper states of consciousness and harmony with the unseen forces around them.

Deep Relaxation and Surrender

Fakira meditation emphasizes deep relaxation and the art of surrendering to existence, helping practitioners release stress, fear, and attachments, ultimately leading to a state of peace and fulfillment.

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Really great meditations for kids! I will get more sessions for my kids in future for sure!

At-Home Meditations

Join Fakira’s guided meditation sessions online, designed to help you discover inner peace, cultivate mindfulness, and unlock deep spiritual transformation, all from the comfort of your home

Previous Sessions

Here are few pictures from previous sessions of Fakira ji.

Online hypnosis Training
Online Spiritual Training
Online hypnosis Training
Online hypnosis Training

Not only live this life, celebrate it.

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Read Story By Fakira

The Alien

This story is a journey of an Alien—a journey of a human being. An Alien lives within each of us, constantly seeking real and permanent answers. During a deep state of relaxation, Fakira made a connection with this Alien without the aid of any instruments. The Alien shared his story with Fakira, revealing a truth that resonates with all of us: we are all in search of lasting happiness, love, peace, and joy in our lives.


Frequently asked questions about meditations.

Meditation is a practice that involves focusing the mind and eliminating distractions to achieve a mentally clear, emotionally calm, and stable state. It works by bringing attention to a single point, such as the breath, a mantra, or a guided visualization. Over time, meditation helps quiet the mind, reduce stress, and cultivate inner awareness, which can lead to a greater sense of peace, focus, and clarity.

There is no fixed duration for meditation, but beginners can start with 5-10 minutes per day and gradually increase to 20-30 minutes or longer as they become more comfortable. The key is consistency—regular daily practice, even if brief, is more beneficial than infrequent, longer sessions. Over time, you can find the duration that feels right for you.

Meditation offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Reducing stress, anxiety, and depression.
  • Improving focus, concentration, and memory.
  • Enhancing emotional well-being and self-awareness.
  • Promoting better sleep and relaxation.
  • Boosting overall mental and physical health by lowering blood pressure and strengthening the immune system.

Yes, it’s completely normal to experience an active mind during meditation. The goal of meditation is not to stop thoughts but to observe them without attachment or judgment. When thoughts arise, simply notice them and gently return your focus to your breath or chosen point of concentration. Over time, you will notice more periods of stillness as your practice deepens.

My Philosophy

About Fakira

Fakira is a mystic and spiritual guide, known for his deep understanding of the inner workings of consciousness and human potential. Born in a small village in northern India, Fakira’s journey is not one of formal philosophy or academic pursuits, but of direct experience. He is often referred to as a “scientist of the Inner Network,” exploring the depths of meditation, self-awareness, and spiritual growth.

Unlike traditional spiritual teachers, Fakira’s approach is modern and practical, rooted in spreading what he calls a “virus of happiness.” He teaches that true bliss and fulfillment come not from external achievements, but from deep inner transformation. His teachings focus on energy awareness, deep relaxation, and surrendering to existence, allowing individuals to connect with the infinite source within.

Fakira believes that the truth cannot be fully expressed in words but must be lived and experienced. He encourages seekers to find their own path and discover the immense potential that lies within themselves, guiding them to inner peace, joy, and ultimately, self-realization. His simple yet profound wisdom resonates with people from all walks of life, making his message of happiness, inner freedom, and authenticity widely accessible.

If you have the courage to say Goodbye, then life will reward you with a new Hello
... FakirA ...

My Beloved Say...

"Fakira's teachings have transformed my life in ways I never imagined. His approach to inner growth and self-realization is profound yet simple, allowing anyone to connect deeply with their true self. Through his meditations and guidance, I’ve found peace, clarity, and a new sense of purpose. His wisdom is like a breath of fresh air, filled with compassion and genuine care for those on the spiritual path. I highly recommend Fakira to anyone seeking inner peace and a deeper understanding of life."
"Fakira’s teachings bring clarity and profound insight into the nature of inner happiness."
"Fakira’s meditations are a powerful experience that unlock deep personal transformation."
Adam Paulson
"Fakira's wisdom and guidance offer a transformative journey to inner peace and self-discovery."
"A true master of the Inner Network, Fakira guides you on a journey to self-realization."
"Through Fakira’s wisdom, I found peace, purpose, and a new perspective on life."
Martin Corrido

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