
I have travelled to Rishikesh in Oct 2018 and with my friend i visited to Fakira to seek some answers of questions and what he spoke shook me from inside and then i did a training with him on Chakras and it helped me to heal my own stuff which I was carrying since birth. Thank you Fakira ji for being so honest.

̶ Lisa Smith

If you want to do trainings on Mindfulness or on Meditations then Fakira is the best master to learn with. Highly recommended.

̶ Don Ebrahim

My meditation teacher training program with Fakira is now helping me and to many others in many dimensions of life. Thank you Fakira for your wonderful trainings and teachings.

̶ Lauriane M

Meditation Posture

A pure soul doing work for better humanity and spreading love.

̶ Clarky Susy

Previous Sessions By Fakira ji